About Me

Growing up...
I was blessed to be born into a wonderful Christian home. When I was five, I accepted Christ as my Saviour in my bedroom with my mom at, what I remember as, the perfect little house on Greenwood Street. At the age of ten I surrendered my life to whatever the Lord had for me. Through a series of events I heard about Heartland Baptist Bible College. I wasn't sure if Bible college was the direction for me or not, but I began to pray about it. After graduating from highschool, the Lord gave me peace about that direction, and that is where I met my husband! Joel grew up in Russia as a missionary kid. His parents have been missionaries for almost 20 years. We graduated May 11, 2006 and were married May 13, 2006. I don't recommend that! But with my husband's family leaving shortly after and other family and friends visiting from all over, it was a must for us.

Early married life...
After we were married, Joel went back to school and received his Masters. After graduating, we moved to Yakima, Washington to began our internship with Bro. Dave Brown at Yakima Bible Baptist Church. In January of 2010, we began deputation. Presently, we are enjoying our first term working with Joel's parents while I'm learning the language and adapting to a new culture. Right now we are looking and praying about what city the Lord would have us to begin a work in.

My hobbies...
I love scrapbooking, making cards and other random crafts. My crafting stuff has even made its way over to Russia via flat rate boxes! :) Cooking is fun, but I especially love baking. Living in Russia has totally changed the way I think about cooking. There was a time that if I didn't have a recipe, I didn't know what to do. Now if I do use a recipe it is only to give me a basic idea and direction. Creativity and flexibility are a must since many ingredients of convenience are no longer available. And I love it! The challenge, though frustrating at some moments, has been rewarding. :)  I have always loved flowers and gardening. At the age of 15, I began working at a flower shop. It was an incredibly fun job, and I learned so much in my 3 years there. Now we have a small vegetable garden here in Russia and I love that flowers are a big part of Russian culture. Everywhere we go, they have small kiosks that sell flowers. Once in a while my dear, precious hubby even purchases some of the loveliness for me.


  1. Xenia Baptist Church has supported us for 11 years now... since we were on deputation!!!

    1. That's really great! I saw your picture on their mission board.
