Thursday, October 18, 2012

We're back!

Hello! As you can see, blogging has really been put to the back burner lately. Life has been different lately and I found it difficult to blog. There have been some days in the last couple months where I felt simply overwhelmed. God is good all the time though, and a very near presence when we are having rough times. My dad is healing little by little. He continues to live on the drink Ensure due to the loss of his mouth. I can't imagine how sick of Ensure he must be at this point! He has lost quite a bit of weight; I don't think this is the diet he intended on! : ) He had some severe pain where they removed his eye, but God answered our prayers and it is doing much better! : ) My parents are thrilled to be home and taking things one day at a time. God's grace is sufficient each day!

Right before we left to come back to Russia, my husband's youngest brother got engaged. We got to chaperone them. It was so sweet! We are so happy for them!!

We are so enjoying being back in Russia for a little bit. Prayerfully, we should only need to return to the states on more time before receiving a 3 year visa. I was thrilled to see the lovely fall leaves when we returned. For some reason I had thought they didn't have a fall season, but the trees are beautiful shades of yellow. We may have a longer winter here, but we are blessed to still be able to enjoy four seasons! : )
Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day!


1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that your dad is doing better! I have been praying for him!
