Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sock Snowmen Craft

Hello! Today I wanted to share a craft with you that we did at a ladies' meeting this winter. 

I found this craft on pinterest of course. How did we ever live without this fantastic tool? 

The ladies did an incredible job, and each one was unique!

Some even had eyelashes!

If you'd like to give sock snowmen at try, here's a quick how to.

What you need:
White sock
Colored sock
Glue gun 
Orange marker or paint
Accessories such as yarn, ribbon, buttons, brads etc.

First you cut the top off your white sock. Fill the bottom with rice and tie it off.

I used black brads for my eyes. Some of the ladies use googly eyes. You can use what you want, but if you use brads, they are easier to get in before adding the rice to the top part.

haha...so I got camera cord in that picture...again I'm no photographer!

I cut apart the sock like this. The heel and toe are missing here because I took these pictures after I threw away the scraps. I hope you can understand by the picture.

The smaller "ankle" part of the sock goes around the middle as a shirt. I added some brads, but buttons would be adorable. 

I colored a toothpick with an orange marker. Orange paint would be fine too. I just poked it into the sock. If you really want it stay in place you might glue it, but I didn't find it necessary. 

The larger "foot" part of the sock goes on top for the hat. This is the part you will really want to glue. It doesn't stay in place well at all. 

Here is the finished product. I used some really cute knitting yarn to tie off the hat and make a scarf. The possibilities are really endless! :) This is a very simple and fun craft. Let me know if you try this! 

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