Sunday, June 3, 2012

English Club

Every Friday night we host a free English club in our home. It is an amazing way to meet people and build relationships, while at the same time giving opportunities to share the Gospel. You see, many of the Russian people are interested in learning English, especially in Moscow with all of its foreign business. An American can make $50 dollars or more an hour teaching English in Moscow. But we offer this for free as a ministry. Each lesson has a "Look in The Book" section at the end. Everyone knows we are here as missionaries from America. They know we are here to tell others how they can know for sure that their eternal home is Heaven. So in the "Look in the The Book" section, we share the Gospel and something from the Word of God that pertains to whatever the lesson was on that week. I took some pictures last Friday and wanted to share them with you.

We split up into two groups, beginner and advanced. 

Then we all come together for the "Look in The Book".

After the lesson, we enjoy tea, refreshments, and fellowship! This is a very important and fun part of Russian culture. It is the same for normal church services. They are always followed by tea and refreshments...and lots of wonderful fellowship! I try to always make something yummy. Usually I make something American for English Club, but this particular night I wanted to try a dish someone made for us on deputation. It is called Pavlova (pictured below with the strawberries on top), and the recipe can be found here. It is a delicious dessert with a unique history!

Some of the people that come are from the church. Others have come to church as a result of the club! Many come to the club, who are nervous to attend church. The name Baptist does not go over well here. In fact, we are considered a cult by many. Please pray the Lord will continue to bless this ministry and the wonderful friendships we have made! Please pray that more souls will turn to Christ alone for salvation!

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